Teton Gardens was born in 2008 with four properties and a desire to work the dirt and beautify properties. Today we have just under twenty crew members and service over 140 properties. We specialize in design, installation, and maintenance of gardens throughout Teton County, WY. 

Emery Hemmings, owner and designer, comes from a long line of horticulturists. Her grandfather was a career farmer in the lush and fertile state of Kentucky while her grandmother harbored a passion and knack for vegetable and perennial gardening. As a child, Emery could be found playing in the dirt next to her grandmother as she harvested her homegrown vegetables. Perhaps not the most innate place to begin a gardening career, the northwestern Wyoming landscape proves to be a challenge, filled with microclimates and variable soils due to the steep coniferous covered mountains and adjacent alluvial river valley. Horticulture and the ability to grow plants requires a delicate knowledge of the balance of chemistry and biology in growing. Add to that a knack for organizing and design, and you have an ideal combination to embark upon building beautiful gardens. Emery has gardened in the Jackson area since 2001. After attending classes as the Arnold Aroboretum Landscape Institute at Harvard University, she started her own business in 2008. She continues her education during the winter season at the New York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx.