It's a little chilly for mid summer..

Snow on the pass in mid July is not welcome to anyone that appreciates their gardens. Tonight may be a good night to take care and cover your annuals! We got through the June rush - now I hope everyone is enjoying their gardens and pots as they fill in producing an abundance of color for the next few months. Stay warm! 

The excitement of pots

Pots are a fun and creative way to change things up every year. While the perennial gardens are somewhat predictable, you can put any plant in your pots to keep your outdoor space interesting year after year. Pots are no doubt an extra expense, but if you can swing it, a welcome addition to enjoy throughout our cherished summers. With a little fertilizer, they will continue to explode with color and new blooms, intermingling with their fellow plants while fighting for space in each container. When done well, the end result is an intermixing of complementing colors and textures that continue to evolve all summer long. Whether you do them yourself or we do them for you, after patiently waiting, it's finally time! 


What a beautiful week! With temperatures reaching 70 degrees, many daffodils have popped! An upside of global warming if there was one.. we in western Wyoming do not have to wait until June these days to see color in our yards. Next up: muscari, tulips, allium. Keep your eyes peeled. The bulb displays change quickly once they start. Like the cherry trees of Japan.. blooming one week, gone the next! 


We got teased in February with the warm, melting temps... but winter doesn't want to seem to loosen her grip... And so it goes in the mountain west! Sunny and 55 one day, snowing the next. It keeps things interesting, right? Alas my neighbors with south facing outer walls have loads of crocus blooming. It's wonderful to see bright yellow and purple as I step into my driveway. The hyacinth and daffodils should be just around the corner. For all of you with beautiful bulbs, brace yourself for their brilliant displays!