I'm back

I guess this has become an annual posting. I’m a gardener. Blogs just aren’t my thing. It has been an epic winter here. No broken records (except in skier numbers to JHMR) but the snow shielding my house is … excessive. Usually this time of year I am seeing crocus at the ski area along the heated walkways. Not this year! There is no less than 4’ of snow in my yard. Condensed snow. Needless to say, no reason to hold our breath for an on time spring. BUT you still never know. It’s supposed to hit 50 degrees next week.. if that temp held, we would be right on schedule. On the upside, hopefully we can keep sprinkler systems off for longer this year. I am enjoying the end of winter and will be happy to see the first bulb shoots emerge. The photo is from March 12.. Enjoy the spring skiing!
